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Collage von Produkten der Diamant- Gesellschaft Tesch GmbH


Grinding tools

The grinding tools of the Diamant-Gesellschaft Tesch GmbH are available in a variety of bond types.

Diamond and CBN are used as grain materials. Diamond is mainly used for ceramic and glass machining,
while CBN is most suitable for processing all types of steel.

According to your application, the grain material is optimally adjusted to the bond system, in order to ensure,
in combination with the base body, productive and efficient grinding processes at the highest level of quality.

Services - Grinding:

Services-Produktion Abrichtwerkzeuge:

  • Reinigung angelieferter Abrichtwerkzeuge

  • Prüfung des Werkzeugzustandes

  • Umsetzen von Abrichtdiamanten, auch für Fremdfabrikate

We also offer the following services:

Services – Grinding tools:

  • Anschleifen, auch für Fremdfabrikate

Mitarbeiter arbeitet mit einer Schleifscheibe der Diamant- Gesellschaft Tesch GmbH

Services - Production - Grinding tools

  • Cleaning of the grinding wheels delivered by the customer

  • Inspection of the tool condition before recoatings and repairs

  • Recoating with galvanic and ceramic abrasive layers on intact base bodies, also in case of third-party products

  • Fitting and grinding on the grinding wheel mount

  • Re-profiling, also in case of third-party products

  • Re-profiling, also in case of third-party products

  • Optimised adjustments such as additional slotting, laser structuring and closing slots

  • Repairs, e.g. replacing grinding segments

  • Sharpening using mechanical or electrical discharge machining processes

  • Balancing


Mechanical industry

Tool grinding

Glass processing

Katalog mechanische Industrie der Diamant- Gesellschaft Tesch GmbH
Katalog Werkzeugschleifen der Diamant- Gesellschaft Tesch GmbH

Diamond and CBN
grinding wheels for tool grinding

Katalog Glasbearbeitung der Diamant- Gesellschaft Tesch GmbH

Diamond tools
for flat glass and hollow glass machining, precision
and eyeglass optics

Field service, application engineering, research and development:

  • Active support from the beginning of the project phase, during commissioning and subsequent optimisation

  • Process analysis (impression technology, SEM, vibration measurements on site)

  • Vibration measurements on site

  • Training in theory and practice in-house or on site (basics in the field of grinding, specific seminars)

  • Presentations on topics related to grinding

Schleifscheibe mit galvanischer Bindung der Diamant- Gesellschaft Tesch GmbH

Galvanic bond

Schleifscheibe mit keramischer Bindung der Diamant- Gesellschaft Tesch GmbH

Vitrified bond

Schleifscheibe aus Metallbindung der Diamant- Gesellschaft Tesch GmbH

Metal bond

HM Bandsäge aus Kunstharzbindung der Diamant- Gesellschaft Tesch GmbH



Schleifscheibe der Diamant- Gesellschaft Tesch GmbH
Schleifwerkzeug aus Keramik der Diamant- Gesellschaft Tesch GmbH
CFK Multiwheeler der Diamant- Gesellschaft Tesch GmbH
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